Ordering Information
Methods of Payment: Order on-line using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Orders will be processed on PayPal’s secure server. Order by mail using personal checks or money orders. Checks will have a waiting period of five business days until they clear. You may also call in your orders if you have questions or just wish to speak us! (860) 693-4451. Remember! items are subject to prior sale, and sales are not complete until confirmed by us personally by e-mail.
Privacy Statement: We guarantee our customer’s confidentiality. No private information provided by our customers to us is shared with anyone else for any reason.
Order Form: We have an order form click here for anyone who wishes to mail or fax us an order. Please keep in mind that we can’t remove the items from inventory until the order is received; faxing the order to us before mailing a check or money order will guarantee that the item will be held for you (for five days) until your check arrives. Shipping charges are for Continental U.S. only. Adjustments will be made for shipping charges outside Continental U.S.
Sales Tax: Connecticut customers will be charged 6.35% Connecticut State Sales Tax, unless a valid tax exemption certificate is furnished.
Order Confirmation: All orders placed over the Internet via PayPal will be acknowledged by e-mail from Classic Home Hardware. The e-mail will contain confirmation that the items ordered are available, the anticipated ship date, and the method of shipping. Shipments are usually made within five working days of the order.
Returns: No returns after fifteen (15) days from shipping date. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. All returns are subject to a 10% restocking charge.